Somewhere. Way back in the blurry depths of time. Shortly after the camera was invented. Someone made the first set of bunny ears behind their companion. What a legacy to leave this troubled world...
I couldn't design a more beautiful organic form if I tried. That is why I am not God. Simple. Well. Honestly. That and a whole bucket load of other reasons...
You can't beat intimacy shared between two people. When you put your foreheads together. You see only one eye in the other person. Everyone should make a cyclops with someone at least once a day...
Sometimes the boys need to have some privacy in discussing little boy matters. I respect that. Elliott gives brotherly advice to Koa. Then they hug. That is awesome...
I went to inspect this beautiful red volcano blossom when an angry wasp emerged and assumed a threatening posture. I don't bother wasps when I am the only one threatened. Even when they are aggressively chasing me. I retreat rather than snuff out their life out of respect for all of God's miracles. But if my boys are with me and threatened. All bets are off. Ke Akua understands that. And that doesn't only apply to wasps...
When you travel thousands of miles for sunshine. And life gives you rain. You can still have a most wonderful happy time. There is a lot to learn in that...
Akua Pele presents her spectacular show for people from around the world. And in return. They bless her with their presence of happiness and love. Not a bad arrangement if you ask me...
Elliott says he doesn't like fried eggs. He wants sunny side up eggs. I'm not sure there is a difference. He eats whatever I cook. I don't think he knows the difference. Come to think of it. I am not sure I do either...
Thunder. Lightning. Rain. Less focus on presents and usual gifts from the heart. More focus on being present and gifts of the heart. Made all the difference in the world...