Waimanalo Landfill...

Let us build more and more hotel rooms and condominiums. Townhomes and duplexes. Millions of dollars. Let us attract more people who have this kind of money to come here. Who can pay $7 for a gallon of milk. Who can help produce excess material consumption and associated waste. Let's continue to devastate and rape Papa and her sacred domain. Lets destroy the traditional cultural landscape in the name of progress and money making ventures. Let us bury more computer equipment illegally. Twenty four tons to be exact. Filled with toxic lead and mercury. Let's fine the company $30,500 for their hewa actions. That should cover the damages to generations of our beloved people who will be impacted by slow leaching toxins over the next few generations. What the heck. It is only Wai'anae. Down into the ocean and the food supply. Mahalo greedy recycling company. Great job. Hopefully, bringing in Mickey Mouse to the area will make us forget our sacred pact with the 'aina. With our kupuna. It really is liberating breaking the chains of the 'ike Hawai`i of our ancestors. Can't wait to see Donald and Goofy...


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