
People travel thousands of miles to sit on a secluded beach. Bask in the Sun. Enjoy the beauty of Hawai'i. Restore their spirit, their 'uhane, with the omnipresent powerful Aloha Spirit. I welcome them with open arms and open heart as my kupuna have taught me. But when the development they utilize destroys all that is precious to me. The last remnants of my culture and identity. The legacy of love for my children and grandchildren and the future. I still welcome them with open arms and open heart as my kupuna have taught me. But boy does it hurt sometimes...


DeniseinVA said…
Your words are true and even though your gracious spirit welcomes us, we do tend to forget what our arrival means. I have visited Hawaii before and each time I feel like I am coming home. I am not sure what this means as I have traveled elsewhere, but Hawaii is the only place I have ever felt this way. I will always go back from whence I came, as I am just a visitor and love your beautiful Islands, your culture and your people so much that I will never stay, but will always treat with great respect. Long may the Hawaiian people keep their ways true to their ancestors, for the love and respect for those who have gone before is everything.
Ka`iana said…
Mahalo Denise for sharing your Aloha spirit. You feel a connection because there definitely is one. Hawai`i is so beautiful and special that she truly belongs to the World. The diversity of the people who now call Hawai'i home is special. The Hawaiian people are part of her unique and special history. As Kahu, caretakers, of her powerful source of Aloha. It is meant to seed hope and light across the globe and help heal conflict through love, forgiveness and Aloha. You are always welcome here. Even to remain forever...
DeniseinVA said…
I have no other words to express myself as eloquently as yours, just a very heartfelt thank you.

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