
I'm not sure if this was a moth or a butterfly at Makiki Community Gardens. Not that it really matters. Whatever it is, it is a beautiful fuzzy powdery delicate fluttery creation of awesome life. And like the butterfly, she stopped and posed just long enough for me to snap a picture to share her beauty with the rest of the world. Girls are funny that way...


Anonymous said…
Two things indicate this is a butterfly rather than a moth. 1. When at rest, butterflies generally hold their wings vertical, while most moths hold them horizontal (not counting the little miller moths which fold them like shrouds). 2. Butterlies have knobs at the end of their antennae while moth antennae look like feathers. I learned that in 10th grade biology when one of our assignments was bug collecting!
Anonymous said…
butterFLies haha
Ka`iana said…
Man....I learn something everyday...too tips...I will remember that...pulelehua keeps wings closed... : )

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