
This morning I was at Hawaiian Hall at Bishop Museum at the break of dawn to participate in a ceremonial protocol related to the beginning of the 'Aha Kane gathering of Hawaiian men this weekend. It was profound. The three Ku were magnificent. The Lua Pa and their ha'a. The unification of islands and spirit. The acknowledgment of not only Ku, but Kane, Lono and Kanaloa. The presence of Ke Akua. 'Io. The unification of spirit to begin the healing of the ancestors through their beloved mo'opuna to begin the healing of the mo'opuna for the rest of the lahui and the world. Profoundly beautiful. Then the journey to Mauna 'Ala and the pilina of spirit there with Kahu and Kamehameha. The tears of love flowed. The light rain consecrated the love. The prophecy stone of Pai'ea cleansed in the tears of man and Heaven. Mahalo piha e Ke Akua. Mahalo piha e na kupuna. Mahalo pumehana e na 'aumakua. E hui ana na moku. E Ku ana ka paia. Ke Akua Pu...


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