
More scanned slides from Hawaiian parades in the 1970's. Barbizon Modeling School...I remember that...

Nice canoe float. Except Pai'ea looks like he is made out of chocolate...


Looks like the bandstand and Queen Lili'uokalani sitting inside...

Bruddah can ride his horse and blow his conch at the same time. I guess it didn't scare the horse...

Not sure why so many Uncle Sams marching around...

Nice Malibu and old cars in the lot behind...

Paniolo kupuna...

Never heard of Tom Dynamite Dancer. I guess he was a D.J. at KCCN and KORL in the early 1970's...

Not sure if that is a dash of sunscreen across the nose or an aboriginal marking...

Go Kahuku! They didn't have pooper scoopers back then following the horses...

Looks like a lot of effort went into the floats. I wonder how the driver can see where he is going...

I think I may know this woman...

Maybe someone will recognize themselves or someone they know...

Looks like another canoe float...

I wonder where this carriage and horses are now...


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