
I visited Ahu'ena Heiau at Kamakahonu in Kona at night. It has a very different feel in the dead of night as opposed to the bright daytime with tourists and activity all around. Kamakahonu. Where Kamehameha ruled the newly united Hawaiian Kingdom. Where the missionaries landed to seek permission to speak of Ke Akua to the kanaka. The return of 'Io. Ignited by Henry Opukahaia, the destined kahuna of Hikiau Heiau, who jumped ship and ended up at Yale. Where the 'Ai Noa, or free eating occurred with Ka'ahumanu, Keopuolani and Liholiho, beginning the dismantling of the Kapu system, and where Kamehameha died and his body lay in state under the watchful Anu'u tower. An important place in Hawaiian history. Still very much alive...


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