
A beautifully rewarding, but immensely exhausting day spent with the haumana at Koko Head Elementary. From Pre-school children and Kindergarten, all the way up to the 4th Graders. A non-stop session after session, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. with around 200 children, and some beautiful special needs keiki too making the circuit to learn about Hawaiian culture.

Watching the spears, pohaku, shark teeth, akua ka'ai, ki'i, conch shells, mahiole, pahu, adzes, 'umeke, 'auamo and other mea Hawai'i carefully, so nobody gets conked on the head when the students are allowed to handle everything and the excitement rises Mahalo to Kumu Amber, Anita, and transporter Jerry for an incredible day of sharing the hana noe'au and 'ike Hawai'i of our beloved kupuna.

Teachers have my utmost respect and deep appreciation. We had our ʻēlemu kicked and need to recuperate after this long unrelenting day. I don't know how they do


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