Lei Niho Palaoa...

I am Blessed to have a collection of lei niho palaoa, whale teeth ornaments, traditionally strung on human hair. I love dressing up others and seeing the pride they possess wearing such mea Hawai'i of great history and Mana. Even the children in schools, even their teachers, love the lei niho along with the mahiole (woven helmet) and 'ahuli'i or 'ahu'ula (feather cloaks). 

A good friend asked me, when I procured another one, whether it was for me to personally wear. As incredibly Beautiful as it was, and as humbled as I felt, I laughed and said "no" in good Spirit. I let him know that I wore a lei niho palaoa in the 17th Century on the Island of Maui. Because of my Ego and Lust for Power, many, many innocent people died, many being slaughtered in wars over resources, land and out of pure Spite. Sacred precious Life spilled across the fields of lava due to my Ego. 

The lei niho palaoa for me would only be a painful reminder and symbol of that lust for power I so coveted back then. That might be why, in this Life, I ended up spending a good portion caring for our dead. Our Beloved Ancestors...

My recent heart issues a few years ago were a direct result from carrying that guilt on my Soul. I had to ask for Forgiveness, from them, and then Forgive myself which was the most difficult. Tears poured forth in a torrential flow during the release. Spiritual trauma can last through generations. Some of the trauma carried over into this Life and manifested in a continuing war within myself. 

I had to finally end it...


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