
I was about to throw a Hoy-Hoy Roach Trap away when I glanced inside and saw something big. I opened it up and it was a gecko stuck to the glue after trying to grab a quick dinner. It took quite awhile to extract him from the glue, without hurting him, using a citrus based solvent which I then had to quickly wash off of him to ensure he didn't suffer chemical burns.

He was extremely weak and listless and I didn't know if he would survive, not knowing just how long he had been stuck in the trap. The only thing that moved on him was his little eyes as he watched me tend to him. I took him downstairs in my building and put him on a little sheltered ledge in a wall. I never had the courage to go back the next day to see if he was gone. I feared I would find him dead where I layed him down...for he was wholly dependent upon my care and I abandoned him in my rush to tend to the other overwhelming demands of my life. I humbly ask for his forgiveness, and that of my kupuna mo`o...


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