Tiny Reminder...

So my son Elliott wanted a pet a few years ago but my building won't allow cats or dogs. Only a fishtank or other small cold blooded creatures which aren't very fun to hug. I took my son to Moanalua Gardens. We waded in the stream and caught a tadpole. In my excitement of the hunt, and trying not to disappoint my son, I rushed to snag the perfect specimen. I forgot to ask permission. I forgot to pule first. I forgot the extreme sacredness of where I was, and my foot slipped on a small rock and cut my ankle open. The small round cut turned into a dark round scar on my ankle. It remains there to this day, a constant reminder to me that I could have suffered worse, or unimaginable to me, my son could have been hurt. The tiny tadpole turned into a tiny frog, small enough to sit on my thumbnail. My kupuna are forgiving, and just gave me a small reminder this time, because some wahi kapu are not as forgiving...


Kalani said…
Is that a coqui from?
Ka`iana said…
He turned into a regular little frog. It is only a matter of time before the Hilo coquis make it to O'ahu, then maybe the Giant Madagascar Gecko's in Manoa will eat them....

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