Lei Niho Palaoa...

Made of ivory, braided human hair and ʻolonā fiber cordage. Paloao often referred to the Sperm Whale whose ivory teeth were much prized and tabooed by the Chiefs when they washed ashore at sacred places such as Kualoa on O'ahu. The "palaoa" ornament was also made of coral, wood, stone, bone and other materials and varied in size. When traders brought walrus tusk, the "palaoa" were made much larger with the larger sources of walrus ivory. An uncarved whale tooth, without the "tongue hook" was known as an "opu'u" or "bud" shaped palaoa. These were indicators of the O'ahu lineage of Ali'i such as Kaleiopu'u and Kalaniopu'u...a Hawai'i Island Ali'i said to have been born to O'ahu lineage at Honouliuli on O'ahu.

Kakuhihewa, a benevolent O'ahu paramount Ali'i lived around the 16th century. He is back and communicating with certain people, and making spiritual appearances, giving messages about honoring our land, culture, akua and kupuna. Our ancestors. It is so truly beautiful when you are such a great leader, that you put your own spiritual ascension on hold for centuries to stay around this Earthly plain to give your mana'o, 'ike and advice to your descendants to help them heal this broken World. How beautiful is that? Mahalo piha ia 'oe e Mo'i Kakuhihewa. You are a true Hawaiian leader. He pono i...


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