
Last night I watched a documentary on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
Stories from survivors...
Riveting accounts from children who were spared...
Now in the Twilight of their aged lives...
Physical scars paling in comparison to the raw emotional wounds...
Tears flowed freely as the horror revealed itself...
70,000 people destroyed in Hiroshima...
Another 40,000 in Nagasaki...
Just as many painfully and irreparably injured...
The bright searing inferno of bright white light...
Vaporizing people where they stood...
So many, many, innocent children...
On their way to school...
With all the excitement of a new day and a whole life...
Erased in a horrific indiscriminate instant...
Dreams, hopes, laughter and innocence...
Turned into piles of carbon and stains on melted concrete...
Awash and adrift in the rising mushroom cloud and fiery smoke...
Only Man can create Hell on Earth...
And as the soft ash and rain slowly and gently fell back to Earth...
I found myself awash in the beautiful unrelenting Souls of children...
Cascading down on us all...
So I did the only thing I could do...
I prayed for the 110,000 Souls...
To forgive us all...
As I submit myself to wash away my Sins...
In the Heavenly rain full of children...


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