
This morning, while walking to work, I spotted a woman emerge from Kaiser Hospital and start walking ahead of me, about 25 yards in front, in the same direction. I didn't see her face or even profile, just her back. She looked exactly like a dear friend who recently passed away. Her hair, her body shape, her walk, her dress...everything.

As I walked behind her, slowly catching up, because of her slight limp and labored breathing, I was mesmerized at the remotest possibility that this was my friend. I knew she passed away. But Life is sometimes full of mysteries. Emotions welled up in me, as I imagined, against all possibilities, that this really could be her. All the things I wanted to say to her, but didn't have a chance to, filled my head. Her passing was sudden.

As I slowly caught up with her, I started feeling intense emotions well up in me. Tears began to flow as I imagined catching up with her, hugging her, and telling her how much I love her. As I slowly caught up with her, with a few feet between us, the emotions were so powerful, I began quietly sobbing. Thinking about how much I miss her, and how I could have a last chance to hold her and tell her of my Love for her. My appreciation of having her in my Life.

As I passed this woman, I didn't have the courage to turn and look back at her face. Deep down, I knew it wasn't my friend. And as I walked away from her, quickening my pace, I somehow knew that my beautiful friend, wherever her strong Spirit was now in the Universe, somehow knew my thoughts, knew of my sorrowful tears, and most importantly, knew of my Love.

And to a beautiful stranger, thank you for giving me a Last Goodbye...


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