Ka Hali'a Aloha...

Remembering brother Jerry Norris on his Birthday today. Celebrating up in Heaven. He passed away almost a year ago. The trauma of seeing him go into cardiac arrest and be brought back to Life several times, until his wife had to finally let him die still haunts me. His beloved dog passed away today. Leaving his surviving wife all alone. Must keep her Spirit up as she misses him greatly, and her daily reminder of their Love, her loyal companion, now has left her as well.

Jerry loved going out to the schools with me for the mea Hawai'i presentations on Hawaiian history, values and culture. Here we are at Cathedral Catholic Academy where we presented to classes over several years. Now this school has closed down due to enrollment struggles. Saint Damien watches in the background. Ka Hali'a Aloha... The Loving Memory... Everything changes... Everything...


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