
Like everyone, there were people in Life who I experienced hardship and sometimes heartache trying to connect with, and overcome adverse feelings towards. Sometimes warranted, but at other times not. Hurt. Pain. Anger. Betrayal. Negative Emotions in their presence that greatly impacted me. Two things changed my Life in this regard. And it needed to change as I could carry a grudge for years which would ultimately destroy both of us.

The First, was to look past their exterior and into their Soul. I believe we are all Amazing Souls of Love and Light, but on our individual Journeys in the larger collective Shared Journey, we are Blessed with shortcomings, challenges, weaknesses, fears, insecurities, and many complexities which make us the incredible intricate Miracle Beings that we Are and which give us profound opportunities for Growth and Soul Lessons. Not just us either, but all who interact with us, and either Love or Hate us. There are important Lessons everywhere. When I understood this, to look past the hurtful words and actions, and to see the Struggles Deep Within our own Souls, it became easier to not only like people I had issues with, but often, even Love them.

The Second, was that when I interacted with a person I felt was difficult, abrasive, hurtful, mean, or otherwise someone I wouldn't care to engage with again, ever, I would often surround them with their family on the Other Side of the Veil. I would imagine those passed in their 'ohana, whether a Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, and even Great and Great Great Grandparents, and even further back, standing all around us, quietly observing the interaction. I would even imagine my own deceased 'ohana standing there as well, my kūpuna, my ancestors. Now even my parents. 

I could actually feel their presence, and I chose my words carefully. Not to be hurtful, but to be up-lifting. In the presence of both of our Ancestors, and even sometimes shared ones, how could I not understand the Love and Sacrifices that brought both of us here to this moment. How could I hurt not only the other person, but both of our families standing there, who Love both of us so Dearly, who although disappointed at times in our actions, continue to only want the best for their descendants, and for us to learn from our flawed shortcomings, to become better Humans.

On the other side of the Veil, who better to understand the shortness and fragility of Life, the fleeting moments to Blossom into all of your God-Given Beauty. Our Ancestors suffered from the same issues, disappointments, regrets, and hurtful behavior, and who better to encourage us, not judge us, then they. Those who Love Us Unconditionally.

This has greatly changed my Life. Yes, there are times anger and rage raise their ugly blackening presence, but I choose the Path of Love and Light. I am not ashamed of those horrid feelings, because they only serve to remind me that I am not a slave to visceral emotion. It is easy to yell, punch, hit and scream. It is hard to be calm, thoughtful, conciliatory, to redeem, to seek and give forgiveness. I can choose a better pathway. That is the Power and Beauty of Aloha. The World Needs Aloha.

To have someone that you have had a most difficult or even hateful relationship with, become painfully aware of their shortcomings, and seek positive change, forgiveness, you so do yourself, and to become so close and loving after that to each other, is one of the most Beautiful and Powerful Transformations in this Life. Everyone has this right to Let their Bright Loving Soul Shine Through and become the Beautiful Person they Truly are, not the person we want them to Be, but Truly the Miracle They Are, and Always Were when the Stardust Quietly, Gently and Lovingly settled...

Aloha Kekahi i Kekahi...
Love One Another...


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