
I once remember seeing a Beautiful pair of Cardinals outside of my workplace. I would see them fluttering about and flying down to the sidewalk, and sometimes the road, and back up to their tree. One day, I saw one of the Cardinals dead on the road. Hit by a car. 

The other Cardinal was flying frantically back and forth to the dead mate, hopping around her, and then flying away as vehicles sped by. I thought about moving the dead bird out of the roadway, but decided against it because I was in a rush to a meeting. I also didn't want to stress out the other bird anymore and interfere with Nature. In my Heart, I knew what the outcome of the day would be and tried not to dwell upon it.

As I returned to the office several hours later, there they were. Two dead birds. The other bird had also been hit by a vehicle as he flew back and forth onto the roadway next to the Love of his Life. It was sad and tragic and impacted me greatly. I realized however, that they would Always be Together. And I wanted a Love like that...


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