
Another Beautiful Sacred Hulu Kupuna has left on a New Journey of Eternal Love, Light and Everlasting Peace. Such a kind Beautiful talented Soul willing to share his Love, Aloha and 'ike Hawai'i with so many. I remember just two years ago when you were Honoring our Beloved Queen Lili'uokalani and Peace on Earth. You were so strong and full of Spirit.

Just like how you Honored Kamehameha the IV, Queen Emma and Prince Albert with Beautiful kahili at 'Iolani School.

Then not many months ago, a close-call and in the hospital. They were going to release you the next day. I quietly entered your room as you were passed out snoring. I sat there quietly until you awoke. Then we made eye contact, and both laughed. I will never forget that gracious self-deprecating humble laugh. 

I remember talking with you about so many things, and then before I left, we prayed together. I remember praying my Heart out. I remember looking in your eyes and letting you know just how much I Love you, as tears fell all around your chest and neck, as I hovered over you. I remember trying to hurry my prayer to finish before the nurse reentered your room. I remember feeling a little embarrassed for being too emotional and thinking I was overreacting to your situation and prognosis.

I remember your tear-filled eyes, and reassuring baritone voice, still strong as ever. We talked about the foods that brought us Happiness, yet kill us at the same time.

I remember sharing the photo and story about the giant white-tip shark above Wai'anae uka, above Helemanō. How you wanted me to send it to your phone. Many times, again and again. When you couldn't find it, I would send it again. How you treasured it. Like how I treasured you.  Helemanō. The shark on the move.

Love you Helemano Lee. I shall look for your in the skies over Helemano. Watch for me. Running through the grassy fields below. Running to you...


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