
It was a crazy two weeks. Very intense and exhausting. Draining. My co-worker and I returned to the scene of the crime. It was pretty funny and enjoyable. The kupuna were very much around us. The messages coming through the piped in music were almost too precise it kind of freaked us out. We had to leave before we both ended up emotional wrecks with sappy hearts. At the end of day, however. When I came home. I noticed the blazing Sun amidst the volcanic haze of Kilauea. As I gazed over the Wai'anae mountain range. Mauna Kapu. Kukaniloko. The uplands of Lihu'e. Where the Lo Ali'i resided. The chiefs who protected their bloodlines with the highest Kapu. Where the legendary battles of Kuali'i were fought. On the plains of Hale'au'au, Kalena and Keahumoa. Vastly outnumbered forces. Victorious. Where the U.S. Army bombards the beloved sacred remains of my ancestors. My beloved sacred sites intertwined into the Heavens. The Heavenly sign of the battle worn red Mahiole helmet signified to me that our path is Pono. E holomua kakou e na poki'i...


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