Kalanikauikaʻalaneo Kai Keōpūolani-Ahu-i-Kekai-Makuahine-a-Kama-Kalani-Kau-i-Kealaneo

Beautiful Keopuolani. "Gathering of the clouds of Heaven." Highest sacred wife of Kamehameha. She possessed the highest taboo. The Kapu Moe. Commoners had to lie face down in her presence. Kamehameha the Great had to remove his malo in her presence. Some say he even had to crawl face down to her in his nakedness. When her name was chanted, you removed your kapa garments from the waist up. You couldn't touch her shadow lest be put to death. Yet she was kindhearted. Some Ali'i were pu'uhonua themselves. Places of refuge you could flee to for forgiveness and safety. This was the Chiefess Keopuolani. Wow. Exactly my kind of woman...