
One fifth of all birds that existed 20,000 years ago are extinct. Mostly due to mankind. We still have lots of mynah birds and many people consider them a noisy nuisance. They are not invincible however nor without meaning. They are notoriously strong and faithful mates. I came across this scene outside my building today. I immediately knew the story of their paired death. One had been hit by a car and then run over repeatedly until she was unrecognizable. Her mate, stood vigil by her body, fluttering back and forth from tree to road. Fighting every instinct to fly from oncoming people, vehicles, and danger. Until he too was hit by a car and thrown to the curb to die. Some pass by and see squished birds. I see the lessons of the ultimate sacrifices made for love. Mahalo no e Ke Akua. Not for providing me a quick profound lesson today. But for ending his suffering so quickly and reuniting him with the love of his life...


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