
Princess Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawananakoa made a grand entrance to 'Iolani Palace as her Rolls Royce drove up the main driveway through the throngs of Royal Society members who bowed down and slightly lowered their beautiful feather kahili's in a sign of Aloha and respect as she drove past...

After circling the palace, her driver pulled up on the makai side...

Kia'i La'akea helped her out of the car...

She was greeted by Kippen de Alba Chu of 'Iolani Palace...

La'akea is not only a kako'o but a guardian...

Princess Kawananakoa makes her way onto the Palace grounds...

Kekau talks with a woman after a little girl came up and gave her a flower lei...

Heading towards the bandstand to deliver her remarks with her nephew, David, at her side...

An auspicious day of welcoming Saint Damien home at last...


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