E Hui Ka Moana Kahiko: Ulu Mau

Today, in Hakipu'u and Kualoa, there was a beautiful gathering of Aloha and spirit. The canoe Haunui from Aotearoa, Hawai'i, and Papua New Guinea, the canoe Te Matau a Maui from Aotearoa, the canoe Uto Ni Yalo from Fiji, the canoe Marumaru Atua from the Cook Islands, the canoe Faafaite from Tahiti, the canoe Gaualofa from Samoa, the canoe Hina Moana representing Vanuatu, Tonga, Kiribati, Tahiti, Solomon Islands and Samoa, along with the support canoes Evohe and Foftein, came ashore to help unite the Polynesians across the Pacific Ocean...


Aztec food said…
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Aztec food said…
from Raul Garcia Mahalo again Kai Markell for sharing your talent. Gorgeous pictures. I wish we were there. Mahalo for sharing da pic braddah kai

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