
Tonight I entered the ocean with my two beautiful sisters as the Sun was slipping below Mauna Kapu in the distance. We brought Mr. Pohaku as well. Ku's presence balanced by a crescent Hina in the sky above. It probably has been twenty-five years since the three of us were together in the ocean. We prayed. We sobbed. We released. We forgave. We cleansed. We felt the presence of Ke Akua. 'Aumakua. ʻĀnela Kia'i. Our beautiful Mother. We cried very hard as we held onto each other connected by the pohaku. Releasing years of spiritual baggage into the healing ocean. We saw the Hōʻailona. The faces in the clouds. Beautiful Hina the Moon brightening her glow. The giant Angel in the cloud with extended wings. Then the three beautiful white birds soaring over us, in formation, headed into Twilight. Then the bright beautiful glowing blue falling star which descended from the Heavens truly connecting Heaven and Earth. Our prayer and kahea was answered. Mahalo Ke Akua...


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