
Trying to repatriate the iwi of Henry Opukahaia in 1972,  twenty-one years before he was finally able to come home to Hawai'i. My cousin Diane would end up working at the burial excavations at Honokahua at Kapalua, Maui, in the late 1980's which gave rise to the Burial Sites Program where I started in 1994, the year after Henry came home. Life is full of amazing destiny...

Addendum:  I remember hearing about Deborah Lee having a dream which initiated the 'ohana effort...amazing... I didn't get to visit his grave in Napo'opo'o until August of was like a Mecca for me... I remember breaking down and sobbing at his new grateful that, unbeknownst to me, he was a guiding spirit throughout my whole life...saved me from certain ruin... I remember talking to him in Cornwall when I was five years old and picturing him as he looked in his Memoirs book, lying under the concrete slab...God is Great... : )


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