Poni Kamau'u...


Haleaka Iolani Pule said…
I love you Poni, beautiful cousin of mine!! I miss you and your beautiful ways of seeing all things.... From hiking the mountain trails of waialae iki when we were kids, gathering for the Halau .. To singing all our parents old songs when my mama was getting ready to join our tutu's... And then our last conversation right before you left for Mexico to continue supporting what your mama, Aunty hoakalei started... I feel you chanting with me at Napoopoo , I hear your voice carried on the makani and caressing manuahi.... I am so blessed to have had you in my entire life, we were all so graced by your presence.... A hui hou.... E Kou aloha...
Jean-Pierre said…
i lived in hawaii from 1988-92 and i miss him so much he opened my mind to Hawaiian culture and i know he will be missed because all of us from Hickam AFB elementary school remember him

much love

sincerely Pierre Cromartie
Mr Towata said…
I treasured all of the times he shared stories with me as he taught our keiki at Liholiho elementary! His stories filled me with so much information! I miss him and his kind heart!
Jean-Pierre said…
Mr Towata you share the same memories as me a good man left us and we must treasure our time with this good hearted gentleman!

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