
I came home to water my 'ulu sapling on my lanai as it is starting to sprout up. As I was watering, I noticed a vivid little rainbow on one of the leaves. Apparently my railing glass had just caught the soon-to-be setting Sun at the precise angle to create a prism of some sort. In 15 years of living at my apartment, I have never witnessed any type of prism effect on my lanai. I put my hand where the rainbow was and tried to follow it back to the source, but was unsuccessful in determining what portion of the lanai glass was producing the rainbow. I did know however, that I recently learned from the Spirit World, the significance of the 'ulu tree, the leaves and canopy pulling down the Light from Heaven while the deep root system pulls up the energy of Earth, and where the two meet, Heaven and Earth, the breadfruit, or "Bread of Life" is produced. Beautiful affirming Hōʻailona my beautiful Spirit friends. Mahalo Ke Akua...


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