Kunawai `Auwai...

The waters from Kunawai Spring flow down this `auwai and to who knows where after that. I suspect to some canal which then leads to the ocean. About 8 years ago, a friend first showed me the spring and canal. There were `o`opu in the `auwai and in the main pond. I haven't seen any `o`opu in the last 5 years. So another native fish is driven out of its habitat. They stop making their journey from ocean to spring and waterfall. They stop reproducing. Their world drastically changed making survival impossible. I remember the feeling I had when I first saw this spring in the middle of urban sprawl in Kalihi. It was with awe. Then I remember the further elation when the small native fish, my `o`opu brethren, were pointed out to me and my eyes searched through the glare on the water to catch a rewarding sight of the little fish. The spring is still there. The `o`opu are gone. I still find myself in awe of the healing spring when I visit. But the added excitement of seeing our native fish is now gone. Replaced now by sadness and pain for yet another part of this special sacred place, Hawai`i, gone forever. Some may think a little fish in an old pond doesn't impact their lives so it is really not a big deal. We don't fully understand the magic of healing waters and the role a little spirited fish may play in the life saving efficacy. For someone who is facing the imminent loss of a loved one to some horrible indiscriminate disease. Like a child. Someone whom you love so fully and intensely, that their passing and loss would take with them your very own will to continue living. The smallest and most insignificant chance for survival is a big deal. In fact, in your sobbing prayers to Ke Akua to spare the love of your life. Not only is it a big deal. It is the whole deal...


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