Kunawai Springs...

The healing waters of Kunawai Springs are famous. The waters have healing properties and as late as the 1880's, were still utilized by Hawaiians, and guarded by a kahuna wahine and a mo`o. There were a series of freshwater springs in the area making up the complex of varied healing sites. Some had clay with healing properties. One is left. The rest destroyed, built upon, filled in, or covered up. The famous hula dancer, `Iolani Luahine, performed an 'oli at the spring and the waters welled up and dramatically increased as witnessed by those present during the chant. This cemented-in pond is all that is left of sacred healing waters. I think about the many people in the world who are sickly and who come to Hawai`i with the hope to be healed. Why must man destroy everything he touches...


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