Woman of War...

I saw this flower by Waikiki Elementary School today. I took its picture because it reminded me of the Man of War jellyfish which has deadly and potent tendrils hanging down ready to ensnare some hapless prey. This tired flower, however, has potent tendrils hanging down ready to ensnare some hapless heart. Soft and inviting, fragrant woman belies the strength, conviction and power just under the surface. Fearless and courageous. Like Manono fighting to the death over the body of her just slain lover, Kekuaokalani, in the ill fated battle of Kuamo`o. The futile effort to save the old gods. Woman of War. Like Helen of Troy. What power in women. So what if giant men can crush and destroy their opponent with superior musculature and physical prowess. A woman can crush and destroy the heart of the biggest and most powerful man. With a simple gentle lingering kiss...


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