Mai Poina...

Remembering a reflective somber sojourn into 'Iao Valley on the Island of Maui. I stared, mesmerized, at this Female Spirit, a Kupua, Water Deity, as her face undulated in the wake of the Pōhaku. She allowed me to capture several photos in which her facial expressions slightly changed.

As the Sun was setting, it reminded me of the Battle of Kepaniwai. A critical battle in the effort to unify the separate island Kingdoms into One and bring everlasting Peace through such great sacrifice, suffering and devastation.

The Wailuku river, the "Waters of Destruction" was damned in 'Iao with the bodies of the slain. The waters turned red with blood. My ancestors fought and killed each other on both sides of the conflict. I shall never forget the lessons. The cost of War...


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