`Ohi`a Lehua...

The beautiful 'ohi'a lehua blossom. Sacred to Pele. Goddess of fire. Picking lehua displeases Pele and can bring rain making it difficult to return from the mountains. It is also one of the five sacred plants placed on the hula alter to the goddess Laka as a representation of the god Kuka`ohi`alaka who was named after the legendary 'ohi'a lehua tree which had both red and white blossoms. `Ohi`a lehua forests were the home of the creation akua, Kane and Ku. The `ohi`a lehua tree was also a kinolau, an earthly manifestation of Ku himself. The wood is hard and was used to carve temple images. I like this flower. Another good reason not to pick lehua and give it to girls is because upon closer inspection, this one is a little home to little bugs. Always inspect your flowers closely because girls and bugs just don't mix...


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