Fat Boy...

Ever since its glorious introduction in 1990, and simultaneous debut in the Terminator 2 movie. I have lusted after the Harley Davidson Fatboy. My dad rode Harleys and Indians when he was young and courting my mother. I am now going on 18 years of desire. Just when I obtained the means and gumption, my beautiful boys entered this world. Daddy doesn't need a brain injury. My sons need me for awhile. That is what life is all about. Choices. Delay of gratification. Dreams. Reality. I can be reckless at times. Not wreckless. I know it. Simple as that...


Anonymous said…
Motorcycling once or twice a week is less dangerous than driving a car on a daily basis. Life is short. You may be dead before you get your Fatboy. Also, I wouldn't teach my son that dreams are so easily swept aside.

Of course, I'm biased. My wife and I rode my Harley together until she was 8 1/2 months pregnant, and started again shortly after our daughter was born.
Ka`iana said…
Thank you for that wonderful personal insight. I shall keep after my dreams...

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