
The 'aina, the land that makes up our beloved island home, is the sacred source of life for all who live here. I'm afraid that not everybody appreciates this fact. Some people who visit Hawai'i become enraptured with her beauty and charm and fall fast in love. They sometimes treat her, however, in their quest for a perfect union, like they treat their own homeland, which often has much more space and usable land then our tiny home. Thus the idea of maximizing the developable portions of your house lot, multiplied by hundreds of thousands of people, puts a tremendous development pressure on a fragile ecosystem rich with 2000 years plus of a unique cultural history. Precious and sacred natural and cultural resources often lose in the quest for paradise based upon Western concepts of property rights. Such is the ongoing battle in our beloved and precious Hawai'i. Aloha no e Hawai'i. How we truly love you. Your survival is our survival...


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