Wasteful Society...

What a shame. Another tenant has to move out suddenly. Can't pay the rent. Gets evicted. Leaves their possessions and belongings behind because they are probably in no shape to arrange for movers to move their stuff, let alone pay for it. They don't have access to a friend with a truck. And probably don't have a place lined up to go to anyway. Relatively good furniture, couches, televisions, carpet, curtains, tables, bookcases, printer, phone/fax machine, fans, clothes, computers, mattresses, etc. sit in the sun and rain rotting until the city bulky pickup trash truck comes along and takes it all to the dump. What a waste. Let alone an embarrassment for the whole neighborhood to see all your private personal possessions. Kind of like adding salt to the wound.  There should be a law that charities get notified to salvage good items for the needy. Seems like such a waste of both resources as well as landfill space...


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