
I just returned from two exhausting days on Kaua'i. An ongoing preliminary injunction trial to enjoin a Californian businessman from constructing his vacation home on a ancient Hawaiian cemetery. So far, the Judge has refused to stop the project. Even temporarily until all the evidence comes out. So disappointing. But we shall continue the fight. Because it is quite simple. We love our precious ancestors. Our beloved kupuna. And in their presence and under their watchful eyes. We do our best in life. And as this most beautiful little girl reminds me. We look towards Ke Akua for a pono course of action. For divine guidance. In the spirit of love and Aloha. And while we look up to Him. I am sure He enjoys getting to see, so clearly, her most beautiful little face...


Anonymous said…
Is it just me, or does that cute little girl have a very very large ear?

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