Flame Angel...

I used to love having a Flame Angel in my saltwater fishtank. They are so beautiful. Even more spectacular was seeing them in the wild. Along a local pier on O'ahu, I used to see them darting between the brown algae covered rocks. So beautiful. When I caught fish, I would keep them in my tank for several weeks and then let them go and catch new ones. It kept my tank new and interesting for my friends as well as gave me great success in catching cool and rare specimens. Due to spiritual luck from respecting nature. Unfortunately, many people catch all the fish they can, like Flame Angels, to sell to the aquarium trade. Everything they can get into their net. Instead of seeing a gorgeous splash of fiery lava color around the pier, they see something worth $20 or $30. Now we don't see them anymore in the places I used to see them in the wild. I really wanted to show my boys. The association with money tends to ruin many beautiful things like that...


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